Sunday, May 2, 2010

You know your kid is cute when.......

So my friends Michelle and Marci got called into nursery at church, and they have the older class, but they asked for Violet to be transfered into their class, and it got approved. Well today she was in her regular class and i told Eve her teacher i think she's supposed to be in the other class, and she said"no i'm not letting her go over there with those bigger kids, plus she just got used to being in here I'm keeping her in here", she said this very feisty ,I really like Eve she is hilarious. So after church michelle and Marci were sad and said they missed Violet and it looks like she's not going to be in our class. Who would of ever thought nursery leaders would be fighting over having my kid in their class! Violet is stinkin' cute though.

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